EUHFORIA Online: Space Weather Forecasting App

EUHFORIA Online: Space Weather Forecasting App
EUHFORIA Online is a web application for running EUHFORIA (EUropean Heliospheric FORecasting Information Asset). EUHFORIA is a magnetohydrodynamics simulation code capable of simulating the heliospheric environment and forecasting space weather. Therefore EUHFORIA Online allows to launch simulations and get full raw output without knowing the intricacies of EUHFORIA installation on a supercomputer. The project's target audience is space weather forecasters, researchers, and students. EUHFORIA Online web application boasts a user-friendly graphical interface that can be used from any device, desktop or mobile.
Development of EUHFORIA Online
As the development team behind EUHFORIA Online, Rays of Space has worked to deliver a seamless and reliable tool. Here’s how we approached the project:
EUHFORIA codebase upgrade. As part of the project, we updated the EUHFORIA codebase to modern standards, containerized it with HPC support, and implemented the automated procedures for quick installation of the simulation code into any HPC environment.
Development of a user-centric interface. We designed EUHFORIA Online to cater to users of all experience levels. From seasoned space weather researchers to newcomers exploring the field, the interface is intuitive and accessible. Users can easily run custom simulations on the go, explore and download the output, and get access to raw simulation output—all within a few clicks.
Ensuring scalability and reliability: Space weather forecasting is a compute-heavy process. We’ve implemented the backbone of EUHFORIA runtime on the Vlaanderen supercomputer for processing the user-submitted runs. However, the whole EUHFORIA Online deployment can be easily transferred to any other HPC environment.
EUHFORIA Online Impact on Space Weather Research
EUHFORIA Online is more than just a forecasting tool. Its purpose is also educational as it allows students and newcomers into the field of space weather research to try out the state-of-the-art tool for space weather forecasting.
At Rays of Space, we believe that accurate space weather forecasting should be within reach for anyone who needs it, from the scientific community to industries reliant on space-based technology, helping to build a safer, better-prepared world.